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Google+: Should I go for it?

This is the third part of IMG’s Google+ series of blog posts.  Miss the first one?  Check it out by clicking here. or the second one here.

G+:  How the competition stacks up

There’s been some buzz going around lately that G+ is a potential Facebook killer.  Personally, I don’t believe that kind of hype.

“But Josh!  You just said last post that you liked G+.  Why the change of opinion?”

Well, I didn’t change my opinion.  I still firmly believe G+ is a solid platform with a lot a room to grow into a dominant social media site.  What I don’t buy into is that it is in direct competition with Facebook.  Not in its current form at least.  There’s a lot that G+ lacks that Facebook still reigns supreme in the social media market.

Personally, I feel that G+ is lining itself up more to compete with Twitter right now, but not in the sense that it’s going to conquer it.  Essentially, both platforms exist to send out messages to those who “follow” them.   There is a simple opt-in opt-out method of whom to follow that doesn’t quite make it seem so intimate as becoming “friends.” This lack of intimacy does make it a little unorthodox when it comes to trying to share information.  On G+ and Twitter you’re limited to “Tagging” the person that you want to share information with, whereas on Facebook this is easily skipped over and you can simply post directly to their wall.  It also allows to more easily follow discussions: a place where both Facebook and G+ shine, but where Twitter lacks.

So where’s the innovation?  What can we expect to see?

The way that I see the current trend of these sites is this:  Facebook seems to have itself rooted firmly in the ground as the Family & Friends network; A one-stop shop to catch up with those who are close to you.

Twitter seems to have evolved itself to an Instant News Network.  Sure you can follow your friends and family and post about what you had for lunch, but it’s so much more powerful than that.  Follow prominent people in your job field, news networks, and businesses and it turns into constant stream of information offering latest news headlines and trending industry topics.  I like to think of Twitter more along the lines of a running ticker you normally see at the bottom of a newscast that has the latest hot topics.

Google+, although still growing, has become my stop for discussion.  The platform offers copious amounts of room to post until your heart’s content.   I see it as being a social blogging site of sorts.  It gives the freedom to not only choose to exactly who is able to see your posts, but to also use your circles to filter out different categories of information that you want to see for yourself.  So if I put a bunch of known photographers into a Photography circle, I can simply click on that and get a personal feed of all their posts.  G+ allows users to easily filter themselves out to particular groups, but equally easy to filter incoming messages.


The grass is always greener

So how are each of the sites trying to sustain their userbase to prevent migration to other networks?  Well if that past couple months have taught is anything it’s that these websites have proven to be rather dynamic.  Each rolling out with new features seemingly trying to out-do one another.

When certain tools started appearing to help people import their Facebook contacts list to G+, Facebook shut them down.  When G+ added games, Facebook responds with new game features such as bookmarks, achievements, and larger resolutions to play the games in.  Twitter is even responding to both of these sites with their new photo gallery addition to profiles.

One of the biggest response to G+ has been Facebook’s new implementation of subscriptions and lists.  The former being similar to G+, but more specifically Twitter, in terms of “following” specific people.  So instead of being a fan or a friend, you can now subscribe to an individual’s (read: celebrity) feed.  The latter, lists, are an answer to G+’s Circles.  You can now go into your friend list and assign people to circles such as friends, family, co-workers, etc. and then when you submit posts for yourself you can assign to which group receives that information.  The problems with this for me is:

1.) The process is tedious.
2.) I have established a wealthy amount of friends and I don’t want to go back and assign each individual into a specific group.

So although it’s nice for the users to have the option of using these features, I don’t see myself using them anytime soon, but who’s to say what the rest of the user-base will do?

Which horse should I bet on?

In the end it really makes no difference what platform that you choose to use, but you need to remember that there are plenty options out there. Each of these online platforms boasts registered users in the MILLIONS.  By skipping out on any of them can lead to you or your company to miss out on something beneficial.  I generally recommend everyone should jump into new social media outlets even just to test the water.

There most likely isn’t going to be one pure dominant social media outlet for the world that everyone uses and thinks is the best.  There’s too much variance between the networks that almost act like checks and balances system to make sure that none of them seem completely rule the others.  One site can do something innovative, but what’s stopping 50 others from emulating, and possibly implementing something even better?  Websites aren’t the ones that ultimately win the battle for online dominance, it’s the users.

Thank you for checking out our Google+ blog series.  I hope you have found the information relevant and useful.  Stay tuned for more great blogs from IMG.

IMG’s Latest Workshop Gives Businesses the AMMO to Grow

Every business has certain valuable assets that are utilized everyday, but not to their fullest potential.  Last week, IMG hosted the next chapter of our Entrepreneur Series: AMMO.  What is AMMO?  It is Asset Management Marketing Opportunity- taking your current businesses current and figuring out how to make them work even better for your company.

The day started off with a great meet-and-greet session where we provided lunch for all of our guests.  Everyone was able to enjoy sandwiches, snacks, and various beverages while networking with the other guests.  After lunch, the workshop kicked off with a presentation by IMG’s own president and founder, Chuck Verrett.

Chuck, started the session off by laying the foundation for what AMMO is and what it can do to help businesses grow.  After the introduction, Chuck broke the audience up into two groups, each with a different company.  The goal was to try and figure out the assets of the company and how to better utilize them.  After seeing the groups’ findings, Chuck then led the discussion to go further in-depth with AMMO and show the groups how to REALLY utilize those assets.  The discussion was informative, interesting, and everyone had a great time participating.

As the workshop came to a close, IMG’s Creative Director took the spotlight.  He branched off what Chuck presented on and gave his own flair and ideas to the guests.  He really spurred a lot of positive energy into the room and provided some really innovative ideas and opportunities to the guests.

We here at IMG would like to thank each and every guest that came out to participate in this chapter of the Entrepreneur Series.  And for all of those who couldn’t make it out, we hope to see you at the next one!  Successful events like this keep us excited to provide more workshops.  Be sure to keep an eye on the blog for even more Entrepreneur Series news and don’t forget to check out the image gallery below with some of the day’s highlights!

The World of Engineering Listens to Integra

Last week, IMG was invited down to New Orleans for a special PTC conference in which we were able to host a couple of key presentations: one for our research on the company and another for social media utilization.  PTC, a world leader in CAD software sales, put an absolutely fantastic event in an amazing city and we couldn’t be happier to be included in the festivities.

So aside from eating alligator sausage, crawdads, and gumbo all week, I feel it’s safe to say that we really assimilated ourselves deep within the PTC culture, finding out what really makes the individuals -and company as a whole- tick.  We talked with so many great engineers and salespeople to get a broad look at the company.  The connections that we made at the event were rewarding on a professional level, but also a personal level.  The various networks that we associated with will provide us with valuable insights into the industry and allow us to provide PTC with more resourceful feedback and creative strategies.

            IMG Schedule

After all the mingling, and IMG did mingle, it was time to give our respective presentations which we came down for.  I gave a seminar on the importance and value of using social media tools to leverage business while Chuck and John gave a closed-door research presentation to some of PTC’s top influential employees.  In true Integra fashion, we delved far in-depth with the company to find out where they’re winning and losing particular battles.  Then we gave them a really game-changing way to work through the problems.

Chuck and John

Unfortunately we can’t divulge all the details of our plans, but all of us here are very excited about the future of both companies.

So PTC, we thank you for inviting us down to the event; and thank you New Orleans for sharing your unique culture.

Our Next Entrepreneur Series Is Right Around The Corner

Limited Seminar Seating, Lock Up Your Seat Now
Registration For AMMO Is Officially OPEN!

Click Here or call the Integra Marketing Group office to lock up your seat – 724-200-0005

As part of our successful Entrepreneur Series, Integra Marketing Group will be holding our next conference series, A.M.M.O., at our facility on Thursday, October 20th.

A.M.M.O., known as Asset Management Marketing Opportunities, will be a conference on “Growing Your Business Using Your Existing Assets” with featured presenter Chuck Verrett, Founder and President of Integra Marketing Group, Inc.

This half-day workshop will give entrepreneurs the chance to ask Integra experts questions like “How do you even start to gain the attention of other businesses that are advertising right, and create a relationship with them?”

MCAN members are getting a “sneak peak” of A.M.M.O this weekend as Integra Marketing’s president, Chuck Verrett is in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, to give the special presentation. Chuck will be talking with members of MCAN about A.M.M.O., a strategy that Integra Marketing Group has been working on for a while and ready to unleash it to the world. It’s really interesting stuff, and great for all you entrepreneurs out there.

Registration for A.M.M.O. will be up on the Integra Marketing Facebook page October 6th, so save the date and make sure you stay tuned for more information on this upcoming event on October 20th!


Also, be sure to stick around for more details of IMG’s traveling, we’ve got a LOT going on in these coming weeks!

See What The Kenos Are Saying About IMG

Last weekend, Integra had a very special opportunity to assist one of our clients, Today’s Home, in putting on a really great event in which we had the Keno Brothers come into the store to meet some of their fans, media, and local designers.

The Keno Brothers, of certain ‘Antiques Roadshow‘ fame, have been very busy lately.  Their new show on Fox, Buried Treasure, just premiered last month and on top of that, they have also released a new line of furniture with Theodore Alexander.  Sure, these twin brothers seem to always be on the move, but they’re smiling and laughing all the while.

The event was a blast for all of the attendees.  The Kenos were as fun and friendly as you would ever expect them to be.  They signed autographs, met with each person, and talked plenty of their new furniture line.

Were you in attendance?  Check out some of the photos below and try to find yourself!  Missed out?  No worries, but try to make next time.  We’re always planning some great events for our clients so stay tuned for more from Integra!

P.S.  You think the Kenos are fun and energetic, look what they had to say about Chuck!

Chuck, it was great meeting you.  We think YOU have amazing energy.  Great job you did with the event!!  Thank you.

-Leslie Keno



Expand Into The Marcellus Shale Industry

Businesses Across the Region are Having a Blast with Natural Gas!

Does yours have what it takes?

The Marcellus Shale boom represents unparalleled opportunity for businesses in the region. Everyone’s trying to get their piece of the pie. Some will get lost in the chaos; others will rise from the rubble.

Standing out from competitors and carving a profitable niche in the Marcellus market is paramount. Luckily, that’s exactly what we specialize in at Integra Marketing Group.

We know the industry inside and out, spearheading many successful ventures in the Marcellus market. We’ve developed the media contacts and the marketing relationships to propel your business to the forefront of people’s minds.

We firmly believe in making you the authority of what you do.

Don’t get left behind. Call us today to see if you have what it takes to capitalize on this exciting opportunity … before it’s too late!

Google+: For the Biz

This is the second part of IMG’s Google+ series of blog posts.  Miss the first one?  Check it out by clicking here. Stay tuned for more information on the new platform.

Something Missing?

Google+ is a unique beast.  It has all the capabilities of great Google applications such as Search, Documents, Photos, and Calendar right at your fingertips all wrapped up in a neat little Social Media wrapper… but it still seems to lack something.  That thing just so happens to be business profiles.  It’s almost absurd that a social media site with as successful as a launch that G+ has does not (yet) support business pages.  Some have tried to make these profiles, but eventually Google put its foot down and told them “not yet.”  Is this going to come back to haunt them?  I hope not, but we’ll see.

What we know so far:

Right now we know very few details about what is actually going to be put in place that’s unique to businesses.  However, we do know that there has been a rather large outcry for these business pages that even Google says that it is accelerating the program which promises an optimized business experience that Christian Oestlien, a G+ Product Manager, boasts will have “rich analytics, and the ability to connect that identity to other parts of Google that businesses use on a daily basis like Adwords.”  So great, they are actually doing something about the problem, but there’s still no concrete word on just when we’re going to see it.


What can we expect to see out of Google:

Google already gives its users a wide variety of tools and applications to use every day; from businesses using Google Analytics and Google Docs to individual users using Maps, Images, and even the basic search.  With all these tools under their belt it’s hard not to imagine they will roll out with something strongly focused on both integrating company employees to be in closer contact, but the actual fans and followers of the company to be able to interact in new ways.

My favorite mock-up of what these pages can actually look like comes from Sean Percival, which looks like this:

Mock-up G+ page

What I love about this concept is the inclusion of all the features, links, and information, but it doesn’t look cluttered at all.   From just a glance at the page you are fed a lot of information: closest locations, pictures, and videos are all prominent parts of the page that really catch the eye.  People are then invited to read the different sections of the page: Offers, Posts, About, Photos, etc.  On the right there is even the links to other social media sites for the company, giving easy access for navigation to find out more about the business.

One feature that I really like in this mockup is the inclusion of Sparks.  I would love to see the latest news and blog posts about some of my favorite companies.  I could see this potentially being a problem for some companies though.  What if one of the Sparks was a negative story about the company?  Would businesses be able to edit the sparks on the page?  Should they be able to?

But what else can Google+ bring to the table in terms of keeping the internal business tight?  I believe that G+ can provide all employees of a company to communicate and channel messages to each other fast, efficient, and possibly even more powerful than a simple email infrastructure that seems to be the dominant current method.  I can envision a very tight-knit company using G+ to openly share and exchange new ideas and strategies through posts and comments.  The platform offers itself to be somewhat of a microblog to which users can post stories, pictures, videos, and news that pertain to the company, but there is also a lot of potential to be seen through the Hangout Feature as well.  A company leader could hold digital “town hall” meetings with employees to not only discuss internal strategies and plans, but also simply shoot the breeze with them and put on a friendly face.  The bottom line is that not only can Google offer up some really great services for the fans, but they could also offer up some unique functionality for people that work in the company as well.

Any reason to pack up and leave my Facebook brand page?

Of course not!  Keep that goin’ as long as you can.  For all we know Google might completely drop the ball on their business pages and offer terrible support after all.  All right, that may be a little farfetched, but it’s still possible.  Bottom line is that just because something new is on the horizon does not mean you need to jump ship or even worry about jumping ship.  Google is simply offering people a new tool to help communicate with a new audience.  We’ll just have to wait and see where this particular ship sinks or floats when they decide to roll out some new features.


Thanks for reading our second part of the G+ series of blog postings.  Stay tuned for more information on the platform where I’ll be discussing the current social media marketplace and how Google+ stacks up against the competition.




Lights! Camera! Action!

…Behind the Scenes with Today’s Home and Integra Marketing Group
10 hours in a blackened space filled with fog and stark spotlights…and lots of shouted orders.

No, this isn’t a special operation, it’s a studio shoot for the latest series of Today’s Home Stores TV ads! And in spite of the “harsh conditions”, it was actually lots of fun for Integra’s Chuck and Michelle (who shouted some of those orders!)

The celebrity spokesperson of the new series of television commercials is Today’s Home president, Jeff Lenchner; no stranger to these campaigns. But the featured assortment of Today’s Home furniture on the set was the star of the production!

Chuck at the monitor, animatedly describing to an amused Michelle; the essence of the Henredon table under the spotlight.

Behind the scenes on TV shoot.

New Social Media Site: Google +

This article is going to serve as a basic introduction to some of the features of G+.  Stay tuned for upcoming articles for more news, tips, and about making the switch.

Getting into G+.  What it is, how it’s different, what it can mean for you.

Been online recently?  Do you know that GIGANTIC company called Google?  Well if you haven’t heard, they are throwing their hat into the social networking ring and are making quite a bit of noise.

Google’s latest Project (note: emphasis on project because it’s still very much being worked on) was created to further streamline the utilization of Google’s many tools such as Gmail, Calendar, Documents, and Photos all while incorporating a robust social networking.

It was late June when Google started launching the network through an invitation-only basis.  Only recently did invitations start rolling out more openly and some early reports suggest the site would break the 20 million user mark by the middle of July.

So you might be asking yourself why Google would try to enter into the social networking fray so late into the game.  I too have asked myself the very same question, but Google will be Google, and as long as they’re around it seems they want to have as much of a part of the Internet as they can get.  And good for them.  After all, competition is good for us consumers, right?

Let’s take a look at some of the features that G+ offers.

The first thing I noticed with Google+ is how clean it seems to be.  The main feed page has no ads, plenty of white space, and also sports a simple navigation bar for Home, Photos, Profile, and Circles.

Google+ manages contacts through the utilization of “Circles.”  Circles are fully customizable for you to manage however you want.  Whenever you share information over the website you are given complete freedom to dictate exactly who sees your content through circles. It’s perfect for those of you who are sometimes unsure of whether that latest status would be appropriate for your whole network to see.

If you already use Gmail, G+ automatically shows your contact list and makes adding people to circles as easy as dragging and dropping them in to an appropriate circle.

One of the most innovative features for Google + is their “Hang Out” application.  This feature allows users to join a live video chat with 9 other people in their circles utilizing webcam technology.  In the Hang Out, participants are able to live chat, watch videos, and view photos seamlessly with each other from the comfort of their own computer chairs.  One neat trend for hangouts right now is that celebrities use the hangout feature to start a group chat with their followers.  It offers a very personable and easily accessible experience for each user.

Google+ also rolled out of the gate with another new feature: Sparks.  Sparks are trends, hobbies, or interests that you can follow and keep up with the most current and popular stories from around the internet which features whatever you chose to follow.  For instance, if I follow the “Pittsburgh” Spark, I can get some of the latest news and headlines regarding Pitt.  Sparks has the potential to be a great information finder on subjects that YOU care about and hopefully the end results match some of my expectations for it.

The last feature is for all the Smart Phone users out there:  Huddle.  Have you ever tried to plan an event or a night out through text messages to a whole group?  If not, I can assure you that it is a disaster to try to coordinate like that.  Huddle plans to fix that through a group chat that brings everyone into a live feed right from your phone.  Managing a night out is vastly easier with only one contact point to go to as opposed texting everyone in a group separately.


“Is that it?”

Well, mostly.  For now anyways.  Google+ is still in an infancy stage, but the idea of having Google’s wealth of applications, programs, and tools at your fingertips all rolled into a neat little social networking website makes me very excited to see just how it performs in the future.

One additional note is that Google wants corporations and businesses to hold off on making accounts right now and that there would be something unique for them down the road.  So all you businesses out there, hold on just a little longer.  I’ll get into more of the business page details in an upcoming post.


“So what does this mean for me?”

It means choice.  It’s not mandatory to jump ship for every new social network that comes out, but it’s not every day that Google rolls something out quite as big as this.  So you’re looking for something new, watch a video on Youtube about it, read some more blog postings, and go ahead and ask around your current contact list for an invitation.  You might just find that G+ is right for you.

“Where do I sign up?”

Although you cannot openly register right now, feel free to send me an email at Joshua@img-group.com and request an invite to G+.  I’ll gladly help out anyone that I can.


Coming up in following posts…

What is the competition doing to keep users on their side of the fence?
What kind of new bells and whistles are on the horizon?
Where do I start?
What about business accounts?

Stay posted to the IMG blog in the following weeks to find out more information about Google+.

Wheels Keep on Turning


We love to brag about the success of our clients!

With Kenny Hauk, that’s easy…
After Integra packaged Kenny’s assets to succeed in the luxury market, Hauk Designs made the covers of Four Wheel Drive Magazine, 4 Wheel Drive and Sport Utility and Action 4X4. He has gotten noticed in the likes of Dub Magazine and internationally acclaimed inside the covers of the Dupont Registry.

Not bad for our first year together! Here’s to our next adventure with you, Kenny!

Check him out at www.haukdesigns.com

Hauk Designs in Dupont Registry

Dub Magazine featured Hauk Designs