Every business has certain valuable assets that are utilized everyday, but not to their fullest potential. Last week, IMG hosted the next chapter of our Entrepreneur Series: AMMO. What is AMMO? It is Asset Management Marketing Opportunity- taking your current businesses current and figuring out how to make them work even better for your company.
The day started off with a great meet-and-greet session where we provided lunch for all of our guests. Everyone was able to enjoy sandwiches, snacks, and various beverages while networking with the other guests. After lunch, the workshop kicked off with a presentation by IMG’s own president and founder, Chuck Verrett.
Chuck, started the session off by laying the foundation for what AMMO is and what it can do to help businesses grow. After the introduction, Chuck broke the audience up into two groups, each with a different company. The goal was to try and figure out the assets of the company and how to better utilize them. After seeing the groups’ findings, Chuck then led the discussion to go further in-depth with AMMO and show the groups how to REALLY utilize those assets. The discussion was informative, interesting, and everyone had a great time participating.
As the workshop came to a close, IMG’s Creative Director took the spotlight. He branched off what Chuck presented on and gave his own flair and ideas to the guests. He really spurred a lot of positive energy into the room and provided some really innovative ideas and opportunities to the guests.
We here at IMG would like to thank each and every guest that came out to participate in this chapter of the Entrepreneur Series. And for all of those who couldn’t make it out, we hope to see you at the next one! Successful events like this keep us excited to provide more workshops. Be sure to keep an eye on the blog for even more Entrepreneur Series news and don’t forget to check out the image gallery below with some of the day’s highlights!